Acting is life, and all the world is truly my stage. As I navigate from set to set, and scene to scene, my ultimate goal is to make sure that it appears as seaming-less and effortless as possible. I am able to transition from character to character with the speed and ease of trading hats; Advocate, artist, sister, etc. However, some aspects of my character are a lot less easy to shed than others. As a person with a rapidly deteriorating visual impairment, and a guide dog user, it is inescapably obvious that I have a disability. it is front and center and the first thing that most people notice about me. but my dog, adaptable technology, and deformed eyes are not the whole story. The more interesting story is what's happening in my mind. this is the world of contradiction; insomnia versus exhaustion, workaholic versus why bother at all, I need help versus I want to be left alone. This is where the artist hat is the most important, they are the character who usually holds all this weight. For them, the cure is in the curse and the curse is in the cure. For me I need the artist to help me through my darkness, however, I need the darkness to help me through my art.