Elaine Kolb is a peaceful warrior, a wounded healer, a fat, old, ruddy-white dyke, driving a six-wheeled power wheelchair, flying a rainbow flag. She's a disability/diversity rights artist/activist, singer, songwriter, poet, performer, and grass-roots community organizer. Like Joanna Appleseed, she scatters songs & poems & outrageous humor, handing out endless pages, giving away plastic, rainbow, peace sign necklaces to children of all ages. Fifty years ago, she was on the Third Venceremos Brigade to Cuba. Forty years ago, she was preparing to go to Australia on a Fulbright Scholarship, as part of the International year of Disabled Persons. Elaine has been arrested many times for non-violent, civil disobedience, supporting Freedom & Peace with Justice, still believing that the Bravest Souls are Kind & LOVE NEVER DIES!