Alexa De Alejandro is a 22-year-old Latina woman born with cerebral Palsy. Despite having many challenges in her life, Alexa has continued to live life to the fullest. With the help from God and her mentor, Maria Palacios She has been given opportunities to share her talents with the world. Alexa has been blessed to take part in some empowering events, including being a guest speaker at the ADA 25th anniversary celebration and being awarded the Youth Advocate of the Year Award by the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities in 2018. She has also served on various advocacy panels representing youth with disabilities. Her advocacy has also involved speaking to transition-age students with disabilities about her personal transition into college, the obstacles, the fears, and the things she has accomplished... Alexa also serves in the children’s worship team ministry at Lakewood church. Recently. Alexa has begun making Youtube videos to bring disability awareness and positivity to the world.
Instagram @cositaaa2017
Facebook Alexa living with Cerebral Palsy