I am a captioner, audio describer, video and audio producer, and Member-Owner at New Day Films. I was an Association of Independents in Radio 2017 New Voices Scholar and a 2020 DOC NYC New Leader. I bring my first-hand experiences of having multiple invisible disabilities to my work in my focus on disability culture, art, and aesthetics, and not medical narratives that promote ogling or shallow inspiration. These experiences also inform how I approach making and consulting on cross-disability media accessibility. Having experiences as a patient who’s been believed about some medical conditions and not believed about others for my entire life, I’m a loud activist for people to control their own narratives and not be gaslit into disbelieving their own story or trying to fit themselves into some white, non-disabled standard of capitalist production and other perfectionist nonsense. As an Ashkenazi Jewish cis woman with invisible disabilities, I think a lot about legacies of hate, violence, and eugenics, and I use my rage and sadness about those things, and my privilege, to be really pushy. I’m pushy in asking media makers to add not just access, but high-quality, culturally relevant access that serves not just one community at a time. I’m pushy in asking non-disabled people to listen to us more and speak for us, and console us, less. I’m pushy in asking my fellow white people to reflect on our positions and engage in mutual aid and cooperation out of respect, not charity.