I love the fact that we are celebrizing – celebrating and recognizing non apparent disabilities! When I started out in the disability rights movement, we weren’t as valued as those with apparent disabilities, and I found that hurtful. Even today, many of us are stigmatized and dismissed. As an autistic and a psychiatric survivor, I’ve experienced this first hand. As someone born with disabilities, being disabled is a huge part of my identity. I literally would not be the Anita I am were I not disabled. I am proud to be disabled, and though sometimes the community gets on my nerves with its racism, lateral ableism, and homophobia, I’m proud to be part of the disability community. I’m proud also to have spent 35 years fighting for the civil and human rights and liberation of, and justice for, disabled people. I have worked on all kinds of issues, from lifts on buses and public access to voting rights, access to voting, disaster and emergency preparedness, and fighting against doctor assisted suicide laws as dangerous, discriminatory public policy that disproportionately affects disabled and marginalized communities. I have been arrested 139 times in 35 years, for nonviolent civil disobedience in the fight for equity and justice. So, Happy Birthday ADA! Like us humans, you’re not perfect, but you mean so much to me. Lead On!
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Email: anitacameron007@gmail.com